Throughout all the maddness, and yes that means the head shaving, golf clubs and federline fiasco, miss spears has always produced top notch pop music. Her worldwide success at a early age gave spears access to world domination by the time her album "Britney" hit the shops, and with Mr fine Timberlake on her arm, all the girls respectively envied her. So after the debacle of k.fed, why is it that B.Spears produced one of the best albums she's ever made?
They do say pain produces the best music. Was it the pain of heartache, childbirth or just her absence from the mic what magically forced her to push herself. Although Spears was far from recovered, Blackout was a phenomenon we all never believed she could pull off in a million years. In her honest Pharell Williams track Why should I be sad? Miss Spears, spills her feelings of restriction as she asks K.Fed "who'd I do all that for?Who?"
Her metamorphosis from bad to OK suggested a new Britney,as she bids him farewell, and claims a Toy Soldier to look after her is the remedy. Britney is on absolute fire in this record, and we cannot fault her. So is this album the reason we anticipated Hold It Against Me to be hot too?? I'd say so.
This mediocre attempt at stealing back her crown after such a long hiatus forced britney to advertise the track on twitter, and asks us to "please forgive me if I'm comin on too strong". The club type track seems to have been a let down after the success of Blackout and the anticipation we all had of Britney, especially after her debut and tribute to the fallen star on Glee, relinquished and reminding fans why they loved her so much to begin with.
So, do you think Britney has a chance at a number one hit again? Or has she had all the success she will already. Tell it like it is.
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